2,075 research outputs found

    On the role of Prognostics and Health Management in advanced maintenance systems

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    The advanced use of the Information and Communication Technologies is evolving the way that systems are managed and maintained. A great number of techniques and methods have emerged in the light of these advances allowing to have an accurate and knowledge about the systems’ condition evolution and remaining useful life. The advances are recognized as outcomes of an innovative discipline, nowadays discussed under the term of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). In order to analyze how maintenance will change by using PHM, a conceptual model is proposed built upon three views. The model highlights: (i) how PHM may impact the definition of maintenance policies; (ii) how PHM fits within the Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and (iii) how PHM can be integrated into Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) programs. The conceptual model is the research finding of this review note and helps to discuss the role of PHM in advanced maintenance systems.EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, 645733 - Sustain-Owner - H2020-MSCA-RISE-201

    Informe sobre detección de necesidades de información [Recurso en línea]: Zona formativa 1 : Huerta de Murcia

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    Precede al título : Comisión territorial

    Estimates of the likelihood of threats are related to intolerance of uncertainty and learning

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    In the present experiment, we assessed the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings of threats both in the presence of conditioned stimuli (CS) that signalled the delivery of an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), and after making an avoidance response. Participants learned the relationship between several pictures serving as CSs and an aversive sound serving as the US, and learned to avoid the US through a procedure including alternating pavlovian and negative reinforcement training phases. Expectancy ratings were measured on every training trial. Our results only showed a significant association between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings made after avoidance responses. This association was found only when the avoidance response was made in the presence of CSs signalling that the aversive sound was avoidable. The increase in intolerance of uncertainty was related to lower expectancy ratings in good learners, and to higher expectancy ratings in bad learners. These results are tentatively explained by invoking a view of intolerance of uncertainty as an exaggerated reaction to uncertainty aimed at learning to avoid threats.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia y Competitividad. Proyecto Nacional I+D+i. PSI2014-56061

    Determinación índice de eficiencia en educación pública, municipios del Departamento de Risaralda año 2005

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo consiste en determinar el Índice de Eficiencia en Educación Pública de los Municipios del Departamento de Risaralda para el año 2005. Se tomará como punto de partida el tablero de indicadores, dado como herramienta de evaluación a partir de la Revolución Educativa; el cual se enfoca en la evaluación de la gestión a partir de conceptos de eficacia y eficiencia. El primero se relaciona con el alcance del máximo nivel de resultados y productos respecto a las metas propuestas; el segundo, con la obtención de resultados al menor costo posible o con la mejor combinación de insumos. Este último es el motivo de estudio de la presente investigación, aplicada al Departamento de Risaralda. Dicho tablero agrupa una serie de indicadores de resultado, de producto y de proceso de la gestión educativa para cada uno de los ejes de política: Cobertura, Calidad y Gestión. La investigación busca hacer una selección de estos indicadores, desarrollarlos y agruparlos y, posteriormente determinar un único índice de eficiencia en educación del sector oficial del Departamento de Risaralda para el año 2005. Para determinar dicho índice se utilizará como herramienta el Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA). Finalmente el estudio busca establecer un posicionamiento o ranking de los municipios en términos de eficiencia relativa, dar conclusiones y recomendaciones como producto de la investigación.The main objective of this study is to determine the Index of Efficiency in Public Education in the Municipalities to the Department of Risaralda for the year 2005. Will be taken as a starting point for the board of indicators as a tool of evaluation from the Educational Revolution, which focuses on the management audit from concepts of efficiency and effectiveness. The first relates to the scope of the highest level of performance and products regarding the proposed goals, the second with results at the lowest possible cost or the best combination of inputs. The latter is the reason for the study of this investigation, applied to the Department of Risaralda. The mentioned board brings together a range of performance indicators, product and process of education management for each of the main lines of policy: Coverage, Quality and Management. The research aims to make a selection of these indicators, develop and list them and then determine a single rate of efficiency in education sector official of the Department of Risaralda for 2005. To determine this index is used as a tool the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Finally, the study seeks to establish a ranking or positioning of the municipalities in terms of relative efficiency, give conclusions and recommendations as a result of the investigation

    The Sustainable Management of Metals: An Analysis of Global Research

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    The objective of this study was to analyze research trends in the field of sustainable management of metals on a global level between 1993 and 2017. To do so, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on a total of 6967 articles. The results revealed the growing interest in this research field, particularly over the last five year-period during which 63% of all articles were published. The three journals in which most articles had been published were the Journal of Cleaner Production, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, and Chemsuschem. The countries that published the most articles were China, the United States, India, Germany, and the United Kingdom. A sizeable network of collaboration has been established between countries for the joint publication of studies. The main lines of research have been focused on metal decontamination in water and soil, waste management oriented towards reuse and recycling, and the innovation of processes for cleaner and more efficient production. The results revealed the need for comprehensive studies that integrate different disciplines within the same analytical framework, and to promote research that contributes to the different dimensions of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social)

    Factores que favorecen el reingreso en intensivos de pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo

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    Introduction: About 7% of patients admitted in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) due to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in Spain, are readmitted again later. Objectives: Identify the possible causes and predisposing factors for returning to ICU because of ACS. Methodology: Retrospective, descriptive, comparative and longitudinal study of patients admitted for ACS in the ICU between January 2008 and December 2013.Demographic variables, number of admissions, admission risk factors (dyslipidemia, hypertension and diabetes) and non heart-healthy life habits (sedentary / obesity, smoking, alcoholism) of patients who come back were collected and were compared with control group (not readmitted patients). Pearson’s Chi 2 test and statistical significance were performed. Results: 2.506 patients were admitted by ACS. Readmissions were 140 (5,58%) after 12,93±16,41 months from their first admission. The ICU’s reentering patients stayed4.97± 3.3 days (4.03±1.8 control group) in their first admission. A table is attached with risk factors’ incidence and non heart–healthy life habits of both groups. Smoking and alcoholism habits are related with readmissions (χ²=5.67; p<0.01)Conclusions: The patients who are readmitted stay more days in ICU in their first admission, have less control about risk factors and less quitting index of nocive habits than control group. It seems to exist an adherence therapeutic problem in the sample studied.Introducción: Alrededor del 7% de los pacientes que ingresan en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) por síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) en España, reingresan de nuevo tiempo después. Objetivos: Identificar posibles causas y factores predisponentes a reingresar en UCI por SCA.Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, comparativo y longitudinal de pacientes ingresados por SCA en una UCI polivalente entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2013. Se recogen variables demográficas, número de ingresos, factores de riesgo al ingreso (dislipemias, hipertensión arterial y diabetes) y hábitos de vida no cardiosaludables (sedentarismo/obesidad, tabaquismo, enolismo) de pacientes que reingresan y se comparan con grupo de control (pacientes que no reingresan). Se realiza test Chi 2 de Pearson y significación estadística.Resultados: Ingresaron 2.506 pacientes por SCA. Reingresaron 140 (5,58%) a los 12,93±16,41 meses después del primer ingreso. Los que reingresan están en UCI 4.97± 3.3 días (4.03±1.8 grupo control) en su primer ingreso. Se adjunta tabla con incidencia de factores de riesgo y hábitos de vida no saludables de ambos grupos. El tabaquismo y enolismo se relacionan con los reingresos (χ²=5.67; p<0.01)Conclusiones: Los pacientes que reingresan, están más días en UCI en su primer ingreso, presentan un menor control de factores de riesgo y menor índice de abandono de hábitos nocivos que el grupo control. El tabaco y el alcohol son factores que favorecen el reingreso. Parece indicar que existe un problema de adherencia terapéutica en la muestra estudiada. &nbsp

    Nanostructures liquids based on octanoic acid vesicles to extract PAHs in food

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    II Encuentro sobre nanociencia y nanotecnología de investigadores y tecnólogos de la Universidad de Córdoba. NANOUC

    Nuevas perspectivas históricas acerca de la Huelva Islámica

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    A pesar del número de excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en los últimos veinte años, hasta hoy no se había publicado cualquier estudio extenso que señalara algún elemento físico de la Huelva islámica. Los trabajos realizados en el año 2000 en la Plaza Ivon Cazenave permiten mostrar ahora un claro ejemplo de su arquitectura civil y del conjunto cerámico que existía en una casa típica del período almohade.____________________________Although many archaeological excavations have been carried out in Huelva in the last twenty years, there were no available study in which the islamic site were phisically shown. Archaeologycal works carried out in Plaza Ivone Cazenave allowes now to identify an example of its civil arquitecture and pottery records found in a house pertaining to the almohade period

    Influencia de la competencia lingüística del profesorado en la implantación AICLE en Educación Física

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    The aim of this paper was to know the influence of the qualification level in the second foreign language in order to see the differences in teacher perception in Bilingual Physical Education classes (AICLE). For this, 146 active teachers in Physical Education participated in the present study, to whom the Physical Education Session Evaluation questionnaire (CESEFA) was administered through. Effects based on the sex of the participants and age category were also checked. The analysis of results showed that the participants who had a C1 level of English had a more positive perception of all categories analyzed. In turn, no differences were found based on the sex of the participants, but were found based on the age category, finding that those under 36 with a B2 level had a better perception of their classes in the items: take advantage of breaks, adaptation of content and feedback. It is concluded that the degree of qualification influences the perception of Physical Education classes, and that in the case of the youngest subjects, there are elements related to the individual efficacy variable, where no differences were found according to the degree of qualification or even these are positive in favor of level B2El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la influencia del nivel de calificación en la segunda lengua extranjera para ver las diferencias en la percepción del profesorado en las clases de Educación Física Bilingüe (AICLE). Para ello, en el presente estudio participaron 146 profesores activos de Educación Física, a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario de Evaluación de Sesiones de Educación Física (CESEFA). También se comprobaron los efectos según el sexo de los participantes y la categoría de edad. El análisis de resultados mostró que los participantes que tenían un nivel C1 de inglés tenían una percepción más positiva de todas las categorías analizadas. A su vez, no se encontraron diferencias según el sexo de los participantes, pero sí según la categoría de edad, encontrando que los menores de 36 años con un nivel B2 tuvieron una mejor percepción de sus clases en los ítems: aprovechar descansos, adaptación de contenido y comentarios. Se concluye que el grado de calificación influye en la percepción de las clases de Educación Física, y que en el caso de los sujetos más jóvenes existen elementos relacionados con la variable eficacia individual, donde no se encontraron diferencias según el grado de calificación o incluso estos son positivos a favor del nivel B2.